Barrier Management Scab Patch/ Cable, Electrical Wiring & Junction Box

Electrical Wiring and Junction Box Management
Electrical wiring and junction boxes above ceiling are often a mystery as they are typically hidden from view during normal business activities. The code compliance of these items is one of the most important life safety aspects of any building. That being said, we often find that non-compliance only gets discovered during the accreditation survey. This is unfortunate and we want to change that. NFPA has several standards when it comes to wiring such as wiring on sprinkler pipes and wiring on ceiling grid. This type of violation is one of the most common safety code violations along with open and uncovered junction boxes.
We have the knowledge and skills to both identify and remediate these issues and keep your facility in a constant state of readiness. Let’s take the mystery out of your above ceiling.
Sprinkler Line Cable Management
In 2016, CMS issued clarifying guidelines for sprinkler line systems and cable management around those systems within facilities of the healthcare industry based on NFPA code. Currently, the NFPA states, "sprinkler piping shall not be subjected to external loads by materials either resting on the pipe or hung from the pipe.” Incidental contact of cables on sprinkler piping is considered a deficiency by CMS and enforcement of these standards within the healthcare industry has become significant. At first glance, cables resting on sprinkler piping may not seem like a serious issue, especially if they are thin, lightweight cables. However, sprinkler system supports are designed to support the weight of the system's pipes and the water that will flow through those pipes. When additional weight is added to these support structures it increases the sprinkler system's risk of failure during a fire-related emergency, which could be devastating for the facility and everyone inside. Monitoring all cable installations and projects that include cable management within a facility is not an easy task for building maintenance leaders or facility directors. Partnering with an experienced specialty contractor like Remedi8 can ease this cumbersome task..